Current Projects

Futures Teaching

Futures Teaching responds to the contemporary moment and springboards from the theories and practices of Regenerative Education. It explores approaches to education that are AI-infused, nature-embedded, and social innovation-focused. This project centres on Anna’s experience with teaching and learning through this approach, and will be the focus of Season 4 of the Creative Praxis podcast. If you are an educator who resonates with these ideas, please reach out.

Regenerative Education: Aligning ESD and Indigenous Pedagogies is a research project that seeks to map out how practices of Education for Sustainable Development can move us into better alignment with Indigenous Pedagogies. Combining this with an investigation of anti-racist and anti-oppressive practices, Anna argues for a holistic approach to education that is not only sustainable but regenerative.

The Creativity Lab

The Creativity Lab for Climate Resilience grew out of a project that developed a facilitation framework for enhancing interdisciplinary creativity. The Creativity Lab method guides interdisciplinary teams to create collaboratively developed, cohesive project ideas. The Creativity Lab for Climate Resilience brings together interdisciplinary university faculty, staff, and students with community members and sustainability organizations to work on the problem of (re)building for climate resilience. 

Regenerative Education: Aligning ESD and Indigenous Pedagogies is a research project that seeks to map out how practices of Education for Sustainable Development can move us into better alignment with Indigenous Pedagogies. Combining this with an investigation of anti-racist and anti-oppressive practices, Anna argues for a holistic approach to education that is not only sustainable but regenerative. 

ESD Workshop Series

The two workshops in this series offer insight into what Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is and why it is crucial to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. They are experiential and help participants to articulate what sustainability means and the ways it is intricately connected with issues of social and ecological justice. 

Workshop 1: Sustainability as Interdependence, explores concepts of sustainability and sustainable development through the principle of interdependence, frames sustainability within an “ethics of care,” and develops personal connections to place. 

Workshop 2: Transforming Pedagogy Through ESD is for faculty and educational staff to deepen and apply their understanding of ESD, and consider how to bring sustainability as a lens into their existing courses. It teaches ESD as holistic pedagogy that includes systems thinking and teachers are guided through how to apply this to their courses and teaching practice. 

Recent Publications, Podcasts, and Talks


Griffith, A. (2023). The Creativity Lab: Interdisciplinary Creativity in Higher Education. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 12(1), 85—108.

Griffith, Anna. “Embodied Creativity in the Fine and Performing Arts.” Journal of Creativity, vol. 31, December 2021.

Griffith, Anna. “Recalibrating Performance at rEvolver Festival.” Canadian Theatre Review, issue 181, Winter, 2020.

Griffith, Anna. “Two Questions.” Web blog post. The Activist Classroom, 12 December 2018.


Griffith, Anna. Creative Praxis Podcast.


Griffith, A. “Futures Teaching and Interdisciplinary Praxis.” AMPS (Art, Media, Politics, Society) Global Conference: Applying Education in a Complex World, 2023

Griffith, A. “High Impact Inclusion in Sustainability: Interrupting Racialization and Whiteness.” Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education Global Conference, 2022

“High Impact Inclusion and Sustainability.” American Association of Sustainability in Higher Education, virtual, October 2022. 

“Peace, (Re)conciliation, and Social Justice Student Forum.” Organizer and co-moderator with Michelle La Flamme, virtual, University of the Fraser Valley, February 2021. 

“Engaging Bodies in Absent Spaces: Antiracist Teaching in The Digital Realm.” Co-presentation with Michelle La Flamme. Canadian Association of Theatre Research Conference, virtual, June 2021. 

“Experiencing a Pedagogy of Embodied Creativity.” The Creativity Conference, Southern Oregon University, July 2021.